Program Details

The Training Program

  • Athletes will begin with a Sports Performance Vision Evaluation with Dr. Brenda Li. This assessment is designed to evaluate how an athlete’s visual system performs as a whole, normally and under stress (game-like conditions). The vision assessment determines an athlete’s areas of strength and areas of opportunity.

    In addition to the doctors evaluation, we utilize specialized technology to help further assess an athlete’s visual skills. This equipment includes:

    RightEye - Computerized eye tracking technology

    Senaptec Sensory Station: Sport and position specific visual skills assessment

    Through this evaluation, Dr. Li will also assess for vision correction needs and check the ocular health of the athlete.

  • Following the athlete’s Vision Assessment, a customized vision training program is designed. This program is tailored to the individual athlete based on their sport, position, strengthening their areas of opportunity, while incorporating the athlete’s goals. Activities will be completed with our Sports Vision Trainer, on and off the field of play.

    The SVT program utilizes specialized equipment (Senaptec Sensory Station, blaze pods, strobe glasses etc.) and traditional vision training tools.

    Sports Vision Training includes 50 minute weekly sessions. The length of the program is dependent on evaluation results and the athlete’s goals.

    Athletes can train in a private, semi-private or group format.

  • After completing the SVT program, athlete’s can return for a progress evaluation with Dr. Li.

    The athlete’s visual skills will be re-evaluated at this stage of the process.

  • Looking to train your team? Sports Vision Toronto offers team based training, and will bring the training to your facility. Contact us for more information.

  • Book an education session to learn more about sports vision training. This can be done in a private, group, or team setting!

Request a Quote

Interested in Sports Vision Training for your team? Fill out the form below and we will reach out to you with more information about our program and team rates.