Visual Skills
For Peak Performance
Learn more about the visual skills required for most sports. Through Sports Vision Training, each skill can be improved and enhanced, allowing athletes to gain that competitive edge and split-second advantage.

Coordinate visual information with motor skills (hand movements, body movements).
Athlete’s ability to use their side vision (corner of their eye) effectively. The athlete is able to maintain attention and fixation on a target, and also be aware/sense movement in their peripheral.
To see moving objects clearly, and to see clearly while in motion (i.e. skating up ice, running up the court).
Ability to change focus from near to far (and vice versa), while maintaining clear and single vision at all distances and under high speed.
Tracking a moving person or object. For example, hitters need to accurately track the baseball.
Speed of which the brain processes visual information from the eyes. Higher visual processing speeds leads to better and quicker decision making.
To identify the precise distance and location of an object or person.
How quickly an athlete can react to visual information.
The ability of the visual system to distinguish between an object and its background.